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Had Enough

The wind last night kept waking me up, as did Tbit's habitual teeth grinding while he sleeps. When the wind finally died down, I as disturbed out of sleep by the sound of snowplows, salt trucks and the garbage truck. The cats have been fighting off and on all day, probably loopy from the snow & later windstorm. There are renovations going on in the building so there has been hammering most of the morning and now all I hear is the shlush shlush of paint rollers in the hall outside the front door. It's getting on my nerves after hearing it for over 4 hours.
I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm grabbing a book, a cat and crawling back into bed.

Posted by Marmy on March 2, 2007 03:35 PM


It sounds like you were going a bit stir crazy and I don't blame you. You should have gone outside for a bit and gotten away from the apartment. It was bright and sunny that afternoon, perfect for a little walk to nowhere in particular.

Posted by: jeremiah at March 4, 2007 11:33 PM
