One Week
School starts in a week. While I know this is true I still don't really believe it. I'm going back to school after -- years of being the in adult work world. I'm going to be a student with a bunch of kids just out of high school and some of them will be away from Mommy and Daddy for the first time. How soon before I attempt to strangle one, I wonder?
Today I'm going shopping for school supplies! I'm buying pens and pencils, binders and paper and even a pencil case! Maybe I'll head to China town for the pencil case, I've seen really nifty ones there.
I also have to buy equipment today: uniforms, tool kit, safety work boots and texts. I estimate that's going to cost me $1000. Yep. $1000. That's gonna hurt.
Tomorrow is orientation day. I'll be meeting all my fellow students. If any of them mistake me for an instructor, I will beat them with my messenger bag. If one of them mistakes me for another student's mother, I will murder them outright.
Posted by Marmy on August 28, 2007 12:37 PM
What are you studying? I don't believed you have blogged about it.
Posted by: Maria at August 29, 2007 03:18 PM