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School Daze

It has been almost a month now since I restarted schooling. It has definitely been interesting for me. I really enjoy the Baking Theory class as it answers the "whys" and "hows" to baking. Baking Lab has been a bit of a challenge because the Chef is a bit of a perfectionist and I am still a "rustic" baker at heart. Communications is interesting and the instructor tries to make it fun by showing clips of TV shows to illustrate topics covered in each class. I have taken and passed the CPR course and have written the Sanitation exam and expect to pass that. The primary problem I am currently having is every Thursday afternoon. I have to suffer through a 3 hour long math course. I hate math on the best of days - being forced to sit through 3 consecutive hours of it belongs on a level of Hell.

As I said, it has been almost a month now and I can see the class resolving itself into "those who take it seriously" and "those who are here because they thought it would be easy." I am in the former group along with several others who I find intelligent and likable. The other group are a bunch of annoying gits who I can't wait to drop or flunk out. So far, I have been playing nice and not telling them off but in one or two more classes interrupted by their incessant chatter, I will be playing the bitch.

Between school and homework and work, I feel like the days are zooming by. I never seem to have enough time to do anything or if I do have time, I am so tired I can't muster the energy to do anything. Who knew standing in full chef gear in a 120 degree kitchen for 4 hours would be so tiring... At least if someday I get to work in my own kitchen, I will be in a cotton t-shirt and shorts, not an unbreathable poly/cotton blend uniform that overs me from neck to ankle.

Posted by Marmy on September 26, 2007 11:29 AM

