Meet Titan
Combine a mastiff, a squeaky ball and a fast camera and you get scary scary photos of what the photographer swears is really a sweet dog. What a cutie! I want one.
My biological clock is ticking. I really want a kitten. Balthazar is 15 this month. Tigger is around 11 years old. Being a pound cat, no one recorded her birthday but we have had her since August, 1999 when her then owner, a co-worker at the time, decided to go away to Australia for a year. When I took her home, she was estimated to be around 3 years old. So, my babies are growed up. Balthazar is a surly goth punk teen who occasionally hates everybody but frequently needs his Mom while Tigger, our poor little adoptee, is a shy, fat adolescent with abandonment issues who just wants to loved. I want a baby now: a tiny widdle puff of fluff with a stubby tail and tiny paws who thinks the entire world exists entirely for him to pounce on. I want to be woken up with tiny mews and minute purrs in my face. I want to hear the pitter pat of tiny paws making the same amount of noise as a herd of wildebeest, running from room to room. I reeeeallllly want a kitten.
Keep your baby suggestions to yourself. I like cats. I don't like kids.
Posted by Marmy on April 10, 2007 06:02 PM
Perhaps you should explore turtle ownership? I hear they're extremely long-lived.
Posted by: Turbo at April 10, 2007 07:11 PM
I want a kitten too. I cannot have a kitten.
Ever since losing Doc, I've wanted an orange kitten in the worst way. Have to get our numbers down first. And only time will do that..
And I probably will go rescue an adult orange cat, and not do the kitten thing. But I do love your description...all that is what baby kitties are all about.
Posted by: uber at April 11, 2007 12:09 PM
When you do get a kittie, can you name him 'Puter'?
Posted by: MichaEL Joyal at April 14, 2007 08:27 PM